Fatima's Blog

I suffer from an intestinal disorder. I had collagenous colitis for over a year until it was finally diagnosed and a month or more before it was finally treated. As with most intestinal disorders, it is not pleasant. There were days when I could not leave my house because I had no control. It was the worst year I have ever spent. I was also going through a divorce and a relocation, so the whole situation was horrible.

Every six months to a year, I went to the gastointerologist for a check and after about 3 years, the colitis went away. It felt like a miracle. The meds had worked, although they were bad for my kidneys. When the doctor told me that the colitis was gone, I was thrilled.

About a year and half after I was “clean,” I started what I and my doctor thought was irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), in which one vacillates between constipation and diarrhea. Except I didn’t have much constipation and the diarrhea lasted for weeks. These past two months have been hell. The diarrhea doesn’t stop; I’m back to days where I can’t go out. Depends help but when you have no control, what can you do when you can’t make it to the bathroom. I have tried two different meds and they haven’t worked. So I made an appointment for another colonoscopy, which is Tuesday. The day I made the appointment, the diarrhea stopped. I was fine for 2 weeks, but yesterday it started again. It is all very sudden. I was out with my granddaughters and I had to take them home earlier than I planned because of it.

It stopped during the night (thank God) and I thought things were okay until this morning when I have spent more time in the bathroom than anywhere else. I planned to go to my daughter’s house and the pharmacy but I can’t go anywhere until this lets up. I am so upset about it; I

I almost had a stroke when my daughter, who is angry with me, had her husband say she would not pick me up from my health appointments this week. She finally said she would pick me up for this appointment for the colonosocopy but I had to cancel the surgery, which can wait though I am in pain. I can’t wait to do the prep for the colonoscopy because then there will be nothing left in me and this will stop (I hope).

As for my problems with people picking me up from the hospital when I have procedures, I am taking a cab to the procedure, but it doesn’t solve the other problems. I fear getting sick because I know my daughter won’t be there for me. My sister suggested that I call the hospital social worker and maybe that is a possibility. Joanne also wants me to move back to where I’m from, but honestly I don’t think I could live there. It is a small town and rather provincial, and I don’t think I could survive there. I’m Muslim and this small town is not very welcoming to “strange” people.

My daughter read my blog and since I had blogged about her and her family, she was very angry. So I had to start another blog and hope people follow me to it. She has cit me off. We were supposed to go to a week’s late Mother’s Day Brunch this weekend but that didn’t happen. She wasn’t so much upset at the recent posts as posts I wrote a year ago from a private blog that inadvertently transferred to the public blog. I really let loose in those blogs especially when her husband threw me out of their house after I had house-sat for them and their dog bite be badly and I had a terrible infection from it. They blamed me and said I got bit on purpose so the dog would be quarantined (how ridiculous). We didn’t speak for nearly two months and then at the therapist’s office which wasn’t pleasant. She must not have much to do if she has time to read through 300 posts to get to the bad parts. I would have deleted them if I had known she would see them. I would have written them and then burned them.

She is just like my mother. No matter how much I say I’m sorry and apologize, she says,”You’re not sorry.” She’s like my mother in many other ways and she scares me with her anger the way my mother did. They both have terrible tempers and everything is always about them. Even though my mother has been dead 20 years, thinking about her anger still upsets me. So does thinking about my daughter. We are very different people and I think don’t like each other very much. She remembers every wrong thing I ever did since she was a child and doesn’t hesitate to bring it up. Even when I explain why things happened, it doesn’t seem to matter.

She doesn’t seem to be willing to forgive anything nor does she remember the things I have done for her when she was in dire need of help and there was no one else to help her, as when she left her first husband. I supported her through that with money and as much time as I could. But that wasn’t enough for her. She remembers when I couldn’t be there. I have given her a substantial loan from my retirement so she and current huisband could pay off loans, but stopped making payments until I asked and then stopped again because they had more important things to do like go on vacation, buy iPads, etc. I asked again for payments and offered to extend the loan but she was insulted and said they would mortgage the house to get the money. (They won’t.) My son-in-law did give me a payment yesterday, the first in months, which I appreciate.

Suffise it to say that I don’t feel well physically nor emotionally today. I don’t know what the next weeks and months will hold for us. We have an appointment at the therapist in June; maybe that will help. I hope so. I feel like cutting again, which I haven;t done in a long time, but I don’t know what will relieve the stress. The anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs work up to a point. But this stress is too much.

My former blog was My Life, Such As It Is.

I love mystery novels. And I love mysteries that are serials and have characters that keep showing up in the books. It was very difficult to answer this question because I have three characters that want to know more about and read more of their adventures in books. But mostly I’d love to meet those characters and learn more about them.

The first is Sister Fidelma of the Sister Fidelma mysteries by Peter Treymane, of course. Sister Fidelma is a young Irish woman in her late 20s who happens to be a nun and also happens to be married to her companion in crime. Brother Eadulf, a Saxon brother. Did I mention that these novels are set in 7th century Ireland and England (and Rome) when married clergy were not banned by the Catholic Church and very common in Ireland, although Rome was pressuring the clergy into celibacy. There were many differences between the Irish and Roman churches, and Sister Fidelma’s stories make these differences known.

I have gotten to the point in the series where Fidelma and Eadulf are married (a trial marriage) and have a young son. They have been in a trial marriage for a year and a day, and are now making the marriage permanent (the book I’m presently reading).

Fidelma is an anruth, or a magistrate/lawyer/advocate in the Irish legal system, which was quite unique. She is forever quoting Roman and Greek poets, and also her mentor from law school. I’d love to know how she remembers all these quotations. Eadulf quotes too but not nearly so often as Fidelma.

I would love to know how Fidelma’s mind works and figures out the mystery. She gives away very little in the stories and even does not share how her mind is working with Eadulf. But she see everything and stores it away in her mind until the pieces fit.

Another character I would love to get to know is Claire Ferguson, an Episcopalian minister in a small town in upstate New York (near where I used to live) who somehow gets involved in mysteries involving murders. The author is Julia Spencer-Fleming. Her “side-kick” is the local sheriff, who was married but whose wife conveniently dies in one of the books. Claire and the sheriff never have a physical relationship until after the death of the wife, but Claire is interested in so many things. Did I mention that she is a helicopter pilot in the National Guard? Well, in the next book, she is called into duty. This should be interesting.

The third character is very different from the other two. She is eleven year old precocious Flavia de Luce who lives in a manor house outside a small village in England in post World War II Britain, created by Alan Bradley. She is fascinated by chemistry and stumbles across crimes in her small village. She manages to stumble upon clues and solve the mysteries as only a child can. She lives with two elder sisters who torment her as much as she torments them and her depressed Father who has never recovered from the death of his adventuresome wife when Flavia was an infant. I would like to meet this child/woman and have a conversation with her. It would not be like a conversation with a child at all. She is fascinating, though a bit annoying to live with, I suppose.

These are the three characters that I would love to learn more about and have conversations with, but I guess I will just have to wait and read the rest of the books in the series.

You can read this on my old blog, My Life, Such, As It is. I will begin posting on my new post only next week. Please ask me for the address.

When I went to get the girls for the movies yesterday, the girls gave me a gift for Mother’s Day. We were supposed to go to brunch this weekend but I guess I ruined that because I blogged about my daughter and some of my private blogs ended up in the published one. She is really upset about the blogs. She hung up on my last week and we haven’t spoken since. It breaks my heart. I try to say I’m sorry and please forgive me, but she is so much like my mother, who would say, “You’re not sorry. You don’t mean it.” It was like listening to my mother all over again when I was younger. There is nothing I can do to convince her of my sorrow and regret. I don’t know what to do. What can I do? Slit my wrists (it has occurred to me; I’ve cut before).

The gifts were nice. A shell bracelet (probably from Mexico) and a diamond heart necklace. Both were beautiful. But I couldn’t even say thank you because she stayed upstairs and then went out to dinner. I’ll try today. Her husband came down to give me a loan payment which I appreciate.

I want to say I’m sorry if I have blogged unsavory things about my daughter. Blogs are supposed to let you vent your emotions and out let what you feel so you don’t take it out on your relatives. This sort of backfired, and I’m sorry for it. I will blog more privately because that’s how I deal with problems.

This is also on mu old blog. My Life, Such As It Is..

It’s Saturday. It’s usually movie day for my granddaughters and me and today is no exception. Yesterday we went to see Something Borrowed. It was a good movie; I was a little disappointed in the ending but then that’s how I am. The girls enjoyed it.

We generally like light-hearted movies, nothing too heavy, lots of comedies. There are exceptions, of course. We saw Tron (I thought I was going to die sitting through that movie) and Black Swan (a little too mature for the girls). A couple weeks ago we saw Rio. That was cute. And we saw “Arthur” which, for a remake, was pretty good and they girls enjoyed it.

We like to go to the movies and then go out for lunch where I hear about what’s going on in school. So much of the school stuff is just the same as it was when I was in school, but there are a few differences. Students are much more sophisticated and knowledgeable about so many things today. I am glad to see that students seem to be concerned about the environment and peace than when my daughter was in school, or when I was in school.

We went to Denny’s where they had their usual: double cheeseburger which they inhale. I don’t know how they eat so much so fast and stay so slim. They are preparing for finals at school and then off to Grandpa’s and then on to their dad’s in California. They’ll be gone all summer, which kills me because we spend so much time together.

I had to stop at the pharmacy to pick up a prescription and dog food. Thank God we aren’t sending any more care packages to Afghanistan to their dad. I couldn’t deal with the prescription line (there was a woman who was collecting numerous prescriptions for alt least 4 different people and I knew I’d be there half an hour so I left and will go back today). The girls are so good to help carry the dog food and treats.

For Mother’s Day, they gave me a shell bracelet (probably from Mexico) and a diamond heart necklace. My son-in-law came downstairs to give me a payment on the loan and we were pleasant to each other. My daughter was a no-show. It breaks my heart that we can’t have a decent relationship. A lot of it is my fault for blogging about her, especially since my private blog got moved to the public one, and she has a right to be upset. But she is so unforgiving. There is nothing I can do to take it back, so what to do? At least we’re going back to the therapist. Maybe that will help.

I hope to take the girls to the movies next week. It will be our last weekend together. I could cry.

This post can be found on my old blog, My Life, Such as it is.


See my old blog, My Life, Such As It Is

I stood up, turned to the right, and counted the objects to #3. It was a bag of dark chocolate raspberry truffles. Now, as most of you know, I adore dark chocolate and love the combination of fruit and chocolate, especially raspberries. And truffles are among my very most favorite candies. I bought these several weeks ago at the store and haven’t opened them until now. They are melt-in-your-mouth delicious.Number 3 turned out to be one of my favorite pleasures in the world.

Now if I had counted to #4, I would have had trash bags. What would I write about then? What does one say about trash bags? But I didn’t have to write about trash bags, did I? I got to write about individually-wrapped, dark chocolate raspberry-filled truffles. It was a good excuse to open them and have one last night as I prepared to write this post. They are wonderfully delicious.

This isn’t the greatest prompt in the world but it helped me appreciate and write about something I love, so it can’t be too bad.

This post also appears on my old blog, My Life, Such As It Is.


Posted on: May 13, 2011

Dance was a big part of my daughter’s life. She started to take a combination of ballet, tap, and jazz as a tiny girl. Then she took ballet classes as a young girl until an opportunity to be in a very prestigious theater performance of A Christmas Carol with the New York State Children’s Theater, so she took a break from ballet for two years. But after that was over, she took on ballet with a vengeance.

From eighth grade through high school, she took ballet class nearly every evening after school. We often didn’t get home from class until 9 p.m. so our dinner was cereal and milk. She did her homework in the car as we drove the thirty miles to lessons at one school. I did work and went grocery shopping while she had class.

The summers were not time off from ballet. She went to summer school at various ballet companies’ schools. She went to Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Saratoga where the New York City Ballet had teachers at the New York State Summer School of the Arts.

Dance classes instilled discipline and kept her out of trouble after school. Dance was our life for her adolescence.

Find this old my old blog, My life, Such As It is.

1. Tube socks, calf socks, crew, ankle, none? (From@ThisDaddys_Blog)
None at all! If I have to wear socks with sneakers, I wear crew socks.

2. Was your childs (children’s) name a mutual decision or was it a debate? If you don’t have children, do you plan on giving your spouse a say, or do you have a name you MUST have, regardless if your other half likes it or not?! (From @momtodh)
It was a mutual decision after we fought over several other names. Her name (Sabrina) was that of a student in his class (he was a teacher).

3. What is your favorite type of weather? (From@TheSpunkyDiva)
Lightly overcast, about 80 degrees, slight breeze.

4. If left to your own devices, what time would you wake up every day? (From Sandy at “Pardon My Dust”)
I usually wake up and get up whenever I like and it’s usually 5:30 a.m. or so. I rarely sleep past 6 a.m.

5. Have you bought your cemetery plots yet? (From Pam at “Troop Petrie”)
No, but I should make arrangements so I can have a Muslim burial.

Another lame prompt. Oh well. I will give it a go.

I think we will rely more and more on electronics: laptaps, phone, iPads, e-books, iPods, etc. There are sure to be electronic gadgets that we can’t even begin to imagine now. And the ones we have now will be easier to use and become more indispensable. In fact, laptops may become obsolete with the advances in tablets such as iPad. Electronics will all be small and portable and even small children will use them with ease. Video games will become more and more realistic and used by more children and adults. Television sets and cable and satellites will become easier to use and more streamlined. No more bulking satellite dishes.

As for cars, we will rely more on electric cars and hybrids. Hybrids will probably be phased out and replaced with electric cars as they become more feasible.

We will also see advancements in space explorations. A new space shuttle will come on line and space exploration vehicles that can travel faster and be more accurate will explore the various planets.

It’s possible that the US will finally realize the beauty of super rail travel because of the high cost of sir travel and the toll on our roads and build super trains that can transport more people quickly and efficiently.

At least I hope so. You can view this also on my old blog My Life, Such As It Is.

Enjoy! You can also see this post on my old blog. My Life, Such As It Is.

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